
Indah Water

Sewerage Pipes Connection

Sewerage Pipes Connection

A network of public sewer pipes is being constructed in areas currently being served by individual septic tanks to link homes to sewage treatment plants. The responsibility for laying the public sewer pipes rests with Indah Water while house owners are required to lay the private connection pipe that will connect their sewage outlet to the public sewer pipe.

In order to do this, house owners need to first disconnect their septic tanks and connect the sewage outlet to these networks. The unused septic tanks will need to be desludged, disinfected and filled in as part of the process. Private connection pipes and inspection chambers are then installed.

Connection to the public sewerage system is made only when all systems are operational so that any likely disruptions to the household are minimised.

This is an ongoing process to upgrade existing individual septic tanks to connected sewerage services in line with the objectives of the privatisation move.

House connections are not easily made and thus, may be temporarily disruptive to households. The new private sewer pipes may have to pass under existing utility services such as monsoon drains. Private contractors are usually hired by property owners to facilitate the process.